
Fuller Theological Seminary Letter

A letter from Fuller Theological Seminary encouraging messianic congregations in Israel.


Dr. Phil Goble Artists for Israel P. 0. Box 2056

New York, New York 10017

Dear Phil: ,

Many thanks for your careful and illuminating answer to my recent letter. I am pleased to know of the many ways in which you are getting in the ripened grain and bringing sheaves to the master's barn.I am increasily confident that messianic synagogues are the answer. It must be possible for Jews to become Christians while still remaining Jews and cherishing their Jewish ancestry. Swedish Americans cherish their Swedish ancestry. Chinese Americans treasure their Chinese ancestry. Hebrew Americans ought to cherish their Hebrew ancestry and remain strongly Jewish. They should proclaim, "I am a ' Jew. I go to a synagogue. I invite you to my synagogue. It meets on Friday evening."

Those who go there should feel right at home. The singing should be led by a cantor. The men should wear little skull caps. The Torah (scripture) should be taken out of a cupboard as a big roll and laid on the pulpit. In short, every aspect of synagogue worship should be duplicated. I further think, Phil, that it would be advisable for non-Jews to be encouraged to worship in congregations which met on Sunday. Let the messianic synagogues be 100% Jewish. Let them never serve ham or bacon at their meals.

When you are here in August, by all means give me a call (818 449-1745, Ext 3715) in the mornings between 9:30 and 12. I am 'here five weekday mornings eyery week. Better still, write me a letter a couple of weeks ahead of time.

What you are doing is most .important, and I am confident that the 50 messianic synagogues of today can easily become 500 tomorrow--or maybe day after tomorrow.

God grant you His richest blessings.

[Signed: DM - David  Gavran]